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W.E.B. DuBois Academy , Over-the-Rhine
By Jeff Ronningen

“I began mentoring at the W.E.B. DuBois Academy in Over-The-Rhine earlier this year. The Academy is a charter school comprised primarily of underprivileged children from inner-city neighborhoods. The youth in these neighborhoods tend to be at high risk of dropping out of school and getting involved in criminal activities. Despite the obstacles, the DuBois Academy is providing a beneficial environment for children to excel in their studies and to participate in constructive after-school activities. The Academy is making a difference in children's lives and I feel privileged to be a small part of a positive force for change in the city.
       My journey to mentoring started when my wife Karen and I were married at HPCUMC on May 24, 2003. Since that time our lives have been full of change. We became HPCUMC members, Karen was baptized, we were blessed with a daughter, and now we're expecting our second child. As these blessings have been bestowed upon us, I've felt the calling to do more for others. Karen and I have made financial commitments to the church and participated in worship services, but we also heard a regular message from Don Dixon and others in the church about working to make a difference in our community.
      When I decided to take action, I contacted Rhonda Deel and told her I wanted to get involved as a volunteer, but I didn't have anything specific in mind. Rhonda put me in touch with Kent Wellington, who told me about the Cincinnati Youth Collaborative (CYC) Mentoring Program. Kent introduced me to the W.E.B. DuBois Academy and Rodney, a 10-year-old boy he mentors. What I saw was an institution that is overcoming obstacles and excelling in education as measured by proficiency scores. I saw people providing a positive influence in young children's lives.
      When I was ready, I was assigned to mentor an 11-year-old boy named Kevin. Kevin is a bright and polite young man who was named student-of-the-year at the Academy. This conflicted with my expectations of mentoring that envisioned children who have trouble in school. Reba George Dysart, PR Director at the DuBois Academy , told me that Kevin needs a positive role model. Now I understand my mission. Kevin has been blessed with talent and intelligence, and my job is to help him avoid the temptations and influences that may lead him down the wrong path. I enjoy the time I spend with him and I look forward to a lifelong relationship.
      If you are concerned about the young people of Cincinnati and troubled by news you hear about crime, low graduation rates, and other urban problems--you can make a difference. There are children out there that need you. Mentoring doesn't require any special talents. Mentors make a difference just by being there. If you've considered becoming a mentor, I would encourage you to take the next step.”


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