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Our Official Policy

Written in 1926, our official policy still stands and, remarkably, is still pertinent:

The determined policy of this church is that it shall be a seven-day-in-the week community church. Just so far as physically possible it will be thrown open for the use of all community gatherings, community interests, community programs. We hope to make it a meeting place for everybody and everything that has the highest interests of the community at heart. Questions of faith, church membership, etc., will not be raised.

All are welcome.

The program aimed at is of such breadth, purpose, and atmosphere that people will rather ‘be at church’ than not. We want the youth and childhood to find their fun, their pleasure and enjoyment at the church and just as near the altar of God as possible. We will be nearing our ideal when the children and young people of all the community will prefer to be ‘over at the church’ than anywhere else. We repeat that we are not building to make Methodists. We will be glad to have folks join any church they desire.

What we are determined to do is to help people get acquainted with Jesus Christ and go forth to live Godly lives of service among their fellowmen everywhere.

--Officially adopted April 1926


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