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Bible Study/Discussion Groups- (G) Grace Building (E) Erie Building

Consult Sunday bulletin inserts for current topic.


Sundays 9:30 AM


We are a small group of mostly 40's, 50's and 60's folks who share personal stories, and study various books, articles, and some current movies, with the emphasis on applying lessons of faith to work situations. Come over and join us. Al Painter and Norm Lewis, coordinators.Contact Al Painter at [email protected].

FAMILY MATTERS: (G-206) Meets September-May

Parents are invited to discuss life experiences, opinions, current events, popular books, and Bible study. Contact Colleen Foster at 793-3899.

FIRST FRIDAY SUNDAY SCHOOL: (G-113) Meets September-May

Lectures on many subjects. Contact Ginny Brummett at 561-5996.

BIBLE STUDY: (G-303) Meets year-round

Lively discussion with rotating facilitators on various topics. Contact Pat Jenkins at 752-7896.


Sundays 11:00 AM

NEW HORIZONS & SOJOURNERS: (G-113) Meets year-round

Adult class having fun studying and discussing Pastor Tim’s sermon topic each week. Focus on personal and group application, and supporting one another. For more info, contact Dana Connolly @ 827-0815 or [email protected].

SOUL BUILDERS: (G-206) Meets September-June

A lively group of married and single adults coming together to discuss books for learning and spiritual growth. Incorporates sharing, social gatherings, prayer support and service projects. Contact Ronda Deel at 871-7965.



(This is a 34-week class)  This study requires reading large portions of Scripture each week and is based on careful study and preparation. During the course of thirty-four weeks, groups will move through the biblical stories of Creation to the New Jerusalem (17 weeks—Old Testament; 17 weeks—New Testament). The principal Scripture for each session follows the chronological movement of the biblical story. The facilitator for the session will be Christopher Barnes Chris has been a member of HPCUMC since 1971. He has taught the Bethel Bible series and has led short-term bible studies for the First Friday class. He serves as a Certified Lay Speaker in the Ohio River Valley District of the UMC and is also finishing up a master's degree in theology at Xavier University. There is a limit of 12 for this class. Cost: $30. Registration by Monday, September 9th. There is daily reading and exercises that are required to prepare for the weekly class.

Disciple III—REMEMBER WHO YOU ARE, 6::30—8:30 PM

(For 32 weeks starting September 17, 2007) This has been prepared for those who have completed Disciple I. Resident in the title is the driving idea in this study--the connection between memory and identity as the people of God. The word You in the title is meant to be heard both in its singular form (the individual) and in its plural form (the community). We are a community of memory. Participants in this thirty-two-week study will read the major and minor Old Testament prophets, with the exception of Daniel, and will read the thirteen letters traditionally attributed to Paul. To establish the historical context in which the prophets spoke for God, daily reading assignments also draw on the books of Deuteronomy through Chronicles. Study of the prophets will follow their historical sequence rather than their biblical sequence. The facilitator for this session will be Sandy Vogele. Sandy is a Certified Lay Speaker in the Ohio River Valley District of UMC and is currently working towards Certified Lay Minister designation. Sandy has been a member of HPCUMC for 6 years and is a member of the staff. Daily readings and exercises are required for participation in the weekly sessions. Cost $30. Registration by Monday, September 9th. Limit of 12 participants.


TUESDAYS SAVE THE MOMS YOGA: (2nd Floor Auditorium)

9:30 –10:45 AM  Pre-register for 6-8 week intervals starting in September. Yoga increases fitness levels, builds strength and relieves stress.  $10.00 per drop-in or $40.00 for the entire session. Childcare available by advanced reservation at $4./child. Bring a yoga mat. Contact Kim Kramer at 469-6799.


7:00 PM A fellowship ministry for those in their mid-20s to early 40s. Meet for dinner and conversation on the 2nd and 4th Tuesday evening of each month. We alternate between dinners at local restaurants and homes. Guests and visitors always welcome. Contact [email protected]



7:00-7:30AM Conversation on Christian leadership and discipleship in the workplace and the church. Also a time of confidential care and prayer at a personal level. Call Bob Buechner at 321-7137.


(For nine weeks starting September 19) It is difficult to overstate the importance of Romans in Christian tradition. Some of the great formers and re-formers of church teaching were themselves formed by their reading of Romans. As a result, Paul’s teachings in Romans come to us mediated through the history of the church’s interpretations of his letter. One of the aims of this study is to invite us into conversation around several key themes: (1) Paul’s emphasis on communal salvation; (2) the centrality of God’s righteousness; and (3) the relationship between Jews and Gentiles and the relationship of both to God. The facilitator for Invitation to Romans is Rev. Bob Pearce. Bob is a retired United Methodist minister. He last served St. Mark’s UMC in Tucson, AZ. He has been a very active member of HPCUMC since him and his wife, Mary, joined in March this year. Cost: $9. Registration by Monday, September 9th.

UMW WINTER BIBLE STUDY: (G-206) Begins January 13, 2010


Pastors Sara Thomas and Tim Bias lead us in an exploration of Brian McLaren's book Finding Our Way Again: The Return of Ancient Practices. Join us as we discuss early spiritual practices, and how they form character, renew life, and help us experience God and each other in new ways.
Book available at Joseph-Beth in the book club section or order your book online from Amazon here.
when: Wednesdays, from January 13 - April 14
time: 10:30 a.m. - Noon
where: Welcome Center, Grace Building
Questions? Dianna Dixon [email protected], or 386-8620


First Wednesday of each month; 7:00-9:00 PM. For moms who are busy throughout the day. Come for fellowship, Bible Study, outreach projects, and fun. Contact Laurie Herrell at 470-8819.
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